Literature Summary
Major Literature
2015 - Serum PCT as a Diagnostic Biomarker for Sepsis in Burned Pts (Burns, meta-analysis)
Looked at studies published up to March 2014
Study eligible if:
Provided sensitivity/specificity and true/false negative/positive data
Needed to be primarily adult population
9 eligible studies
Subject number in studies ranged from 25-175
Avg age 30s-50s
Avg TBSA 30-60%
Cutoff of "positive" PCT ranged from 0.5-3 (our cutoff here is 0.5)
Data analysis
Pooled sensitivity = 0.74 (fraction of pt with sepsis who had a positive PCT)
Pooled specificity = 0.88 (fraction of pt without sepsis who had a negative PCT)
Pooled positive likelihood ratio = 5.75 (pt with sepsis is 5.75 times more likely to have a positive PCT than healthy pt)
Pooled negative likelihood ratio = 0.33 (same concept as above)
Pooled diagnostic odds ratio = 22.6 (value of 1 means test can't differentiate pts with sepsis to pts without sepsis, 22.6 = moderate level of accuracy)
Area under the ROC = 0.92 (1 = perfect test to differentiate pts with sepsis to pts without sepsis, 0.92 = excellent test)
1 of the study reported that PCT at the time of admission could serve as a prognostic marker, but not enough studies to perform a meta-analysis
Authors of this paper gives relative affirmative view of PCT
" of the most promising sepsis biomarkers in burned pts"
Threshold at which PCT is positive remains unclear (this is a big issue!)
Evaluating the trend of PCT may be more important than absolute values
Since this meta-analysis, 1 other notable study has been published:
2014 - A New Marker of Sepsis Post Burn Injury? (Critical Care Med, prospective observational)
Prospective observational study
54 pts with =/>15% TBSA burn, intubated with no previous CV comorbidities
Got PCT and BNP samples daily to test accuracy for detecting new onset sepsis
Why BNP? BNP have been shown to be elevated in sepsis, likely due to myocardial depression that occurs in 50% of pts with septic shock and decrease in BNP clearance (complex pathophys)
If pt met the American Burn Association Criteria for Sepsis (see below, different from our usual SIRS + suspected/documented infection) --> cultures sent
23 of 54 pts had confirmed sepsis
BNP (cutoff = 1200)
Sensitivity 96%
Specificity 99%
Positive likelihood ratio 166
Negative likelihood ratio 40
Diagnostic odds ratio 4030
No correlation between BNP levels and exceeding Parkland formula
PCT (cutoff = 1.4)
Sensitivity 20%
Specificity 64%
Positive likelihood ratio 0.6
Negative likelihood ratio 1.2
Diagnostic odds ratio 0.5
Multivariable model analysis adjusted for severity of burn --> BNP is an independent marker of sepsis
Routine BNP that results in >1200 helpful in identifying pts with sepsis while PCT is not helpful in pts with no CV comorbidities