Neuromuscular Disorders
Basic Physiology
Motor unit comprised of the anterior horn cell in the spinal cord, the motor nerve with its myelin sheath, the termination of the motor nerve at the neuromuscular junction, and the ennervated muscle
Any disruption in the motor unit can lead to weakness and impaired reflexes
The various acute neuromuscular disease states encountered in the PICU can be differentiated based on history, clinical presentation, physical exam, and clinical course.
Figure 1: The Motor Unit and Motor End Plate
Figure 2: The Synaptic Cleft and Ach Release
Guillain-Barre' Syndrome
Most common acute NM disorder seen in the PICU
Various forms with different areas of immune mediated attack : Most common acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP). Others include: Acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN) and Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS)
Ascending paralysis, generally symmetrical
Prodromal respiratory or gastrointestinal illness (ie campylobacter, CMV)
Mild sensory symptoms
Autonomic instability (ie cardiac arrhythmias)
CSF: Cytoalbuminologic dissociation (nl WBC, high protein after 1st week of symptoms)
Nerve conduction studies: demyelination, conduction block, temporal dispersion
Tx: IVIG and plasmpaheresis equally efficacious. Using the two sequentially not better than using one alone
Fewer relapses if IVIG dose given as 2 g/kg divided over 5 days rather than 2 days (Korinthenberg, Pediatrics 2005)
Steroids NOT helpful
Intubation and mechanical ventilation as needed (~25%) (ie if NIF less than about -20 to -25 or FVC < 10-15 cc/kg)
Miller-Fisher variant: ataxia, areflexia, ophthalmoparesis (bulbar symptoms), linked to Ab against ganglioside GQ1b
Figure 3: GBS Pathophysiology
Figure 4: ADEM vs. GBS
Figure 5: AIDP and AMAN (both variations of GBS)
Myasthenia Gravis
Due to antibodies directed at the Achetylcholine receptor (AchR) at the postsynaptic neuromuscular junction
Presenting symptoms include: ptosis, diplopia, and generalized weakness
Increasing fatigability
Classic diagnostic test: Edrophonium (Tensilon) challenge. Edrophonium (short acting anticholinesterase) increases Ach levels at the neuromuscular junction and should lead to transient improvement in symptoms. Must have atropine available to counteract muscarinic cholinergic effects (bradycardia, bronchial secretions/bronchospasm)
Decremental muscle action potential seen on repetitive nerve stimulation
Tx with anticholinesterase medications, typically pyridostigmine
Immunosupressive medications may be used (prednisone, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, tacrolimus)
Some also consider thymectomy (moreso in adults and older children)
Myasthenic crisis (acute worsening of weakness and bulbar symptoms) often requires mechanical ventilation or BiPAP
Tx for myasthenic crisis includes IVIG, plasmpaheresis
Steroids, aminoglycosides, and NMB can exacerbate weakness
Autoimmune disease seen in ~15% of patients with juvenile MG
Tick Paralysis
Neurotoxin inhibits release of acetylcholine at the presynaptic terminal, causing acute flaccid paralysis
Fatigue, irritability, pain, cerebellar signs, ataxia
Symmetrical ascending flaccid paralysis. Can be mistaken for GBS
No systemic signs or symptoms, normal CSF and inflammatory markers
Tick removal (tweezers or blunt curved forceps) leads to rapid recovery, within 24 hours typically
Infants age 6d to 12 months
Infant botulism: spores ingested, germination occurs, and toxin causes symptoms. Lack of competitive intestinal flora allows spores to germinate in infants
Foodborne botulism: actual toxin ingested
Honey and corn syrup risk factor
Breastfeeding appears protective, with decreased rates and diminished severity
Toxin binds at presynaptic segment of the neuromuscular junction (SNARE/SNAP proteins) and prevents Ach from being released into the neuromuscular junction (somewhat like tick paralysis)
Toxin used in Botox
Autonomic symptoms as toxin binds preganglionic parasympathetic and sympathetic pathways (both mediated via acetylcholine)
Weak cry, poor suck and feeding, descending weakness, constipation. Autonomic symptoms. Enlarged, sluggishly reactive pupils
Avoid aminoglycosides
Diagnosed via isolation of organism or toxin in stool. EMG shows decreased compound motor action potential amplitude
Human botulism immunoglobulin (BIG) critical in reducing hospital stay, requirement/duration of mechanical ventilation
Periodic Paralyses
Hypokalemic, hyperkalemic, and normokalemic forms
Typically have family history
Hypokalemic form most commonly due to mutation in dihydropyridine receptor in voltage sensitive Ca channel. Shift in potassium leads to inexcitable muscle cells
Onset of symptoms often after high carb meal or vigorous exercise followed by rest
Cold, stress, menses, pregnancy can also provoke episodes
Weakness begins in proximal legs and extends distally, then to upper extremities
Swallowing/respiratory function rarely affected, normal cranial nerve function
Tx: normalization of potassium level (recognizing total body potassium is actually normal)
Acetazolamide used for prophylaxis
Figure 6: Various NM disorders and Associated Mechanisms