Literature Summary
Major Literature
Islam S et al, J Ped Surgery 2012
Stages of pleural disease
1: Pre-collection stage - PNA associated with pleuritis
2: Exudative stage - simple parapneumonic effusion (PPE)
3: Fibrinopurulent stage - complicated PPE/empyema
Light's criteria = pH <7.2, LDH >1000, glucose <40, positive GS or culture + loculation/septations on imaging
Abx >48hrs before tap lowers culture yield but should not affect biochemistry of fluid
4: Organizational stage - thick pleural peel --> entrap lung --> restrictive lung disease
Optimal imaging modality for pleural disease
U/S should be initially used (CT provided no advantage over U/S)
CT should be reserved for complicated cases
Evaluate for parenchymal abscess
U/S is inadequate due to body habitus
Methods of intervention for PPE
Chest tube
Chest tube w/ chemical debridement
Video assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS)
When to intervene
Large effusions (affecting >50% of the thorax on CXR) with or without sxs
Moderate effusions (affecting 25-50% of the thorax on CXR) with persistent or worsening sxs
Any effusions associated w/ loculations
How to drain free flowing simple PPE
Consider single thoracentesis
First thoracentesis fails to adequately drain --> place chest tube
In young children requiring conscious sedation, may be beneficial to just place chest tube first instead of doing thoracentesis to avoid repeat procedures w/ sedation
<14F tubes should be used even for loculated effusions
How to manage empyema
Evidence for below guideline
If VATS performed w/in 48hrs of empyema diagnosis --> reduces hospital stay by 4 days
If VATS performed >4 days after empyema diagnosis --> longer hospitalization and post-op complications
VATS vs. tPA (chemical debridement)
No difference in length of hospitalization
Failure rate of tPA was ~17% --> eventually got VATS
VATS more expensive than tPA
Diagnose empyema
Give tPA
If no clinical improvement --> U/S or CT
If persistent pleural disease --> VATS
If no pleural disease --> continue abx
Abx usually for 2-4 wks (minimum of 10 days after resolution of fever)